M.Com.1.4 Quantitative Techniques and Research Methodology

1.       Association of Attributes – Rules, Coefficient of association, Test of consistency of data, Chi-square Test.

2.       Probability – Basic concepts, types of events, rules of addition and multiplication, Bayes Theorem, Theoretical Frequency Distribution, Binomial, Poisson and Normal.

3.       Theory of Sampling – Types of sampling, Standard error, Type I and II error, One tailed and Two tailed test. Level of significance, Null and Alternate hypotheses, significance test of sampling of attributes, Sampling of Variables- large and small samples, Analysis of Variance.

4.       Research Methodology – Identification of Research Problem, Formulation of hypotheses, Characteristics of Socio-economic research, Research procedure, Types of Research Design.

5.       Information need – Types of data and methods of their collection, Questionnaire and Schedule designing, Editing, Classification and Tabulation of data, Interpretation and analysis of data, Presentation of Research Report.


1.       Quantitative Techniques : C. R Kothari
2.       Statistics for Management : Levin R.I and Rubin D.S
3.       Foundations of Behavioural Research: Kerlinger  F.N
4.       Business Statistics:  S.P Gupta and M.P Gupta
5.       Fundamentals of Statistics: Ethance D.N
6.       Statistics: B.N. Gupta
7.       Statistics, Theory and Practice: M.C. Shukla and S.S Gulshan