Dibrugarh University - Business Statistics 2010

Primary Data and Secondary Data:
Primary Data: Data which are collected for the first time for a specific purpose are known as Primary data. For example: Population census, National income collected by government, Textile Bulletin (Monthly), Reserve bank of India Bulletin (Monthly) etc.
Secondary Data: Data which are collected by someone else, used in investigation are knows as Secondary data. Data are primary to the collector, but secondary to the user. For example: Statistical abstract of the Indian Union, Monthly abstract of statistics, Monthly statistical digest, International Labour Bulletin (Monthly).
Methods of collecting primary data:
a)      Schedule and Questionnaire: - A Questionnaire is simply a list of questions in a printed sheet relating to survey which the investigators asks to the informants and the answers of the informants are noted down against the respective questions on the sheet. Choice of questions is a very important parts of the enquiry whatever its nature. Data under this method are collected in any of the following way:
(i)      By sending the questionnaire to the persons concerned with a request to answer the question and return the questionnaire.
(ii)    By sending the questionnaire through enumerators for helping the informants.

b)      Direct Personal observation: - This is a very general method of collecting primary data. Here the investigator directly contacts the informants, solicits their cooperation and enumerates the data. The information is collected by direct personal interviews. The novelty of this method is its simplicity. It is neither difficult for the enumerator nor the informants. Because both are present at the spot of data collection. This method provides most accurate information as the investigator collects them personally. But as the investigator alone is involved in the process, his personal bias may influence the accuracy of the data. So it is necessary that the investigator should be honest, unbiased and experienced.